I bet that if you are like everyone else, you have big goals for 2023. Set up a list of those ambitious New Year’s Resolutions and are expecting big things.

How are you actually doing with those? Did you know that only 9-12% of people keep their New Year’s Resolutions? Some of them drop them the first week.

It seems like a lot of us forget their resolutions really early on, either because they didn’t really mean it or because they didn’t have a plan to actually carry on with their goal.

So, how are your going to achieve your resolutions? Having a plan to follow is important because it will help us keep track of our progress. Remind us why we decided to work on our goal.

Just as the lights of a car guide us at night when we can’t see, a good plan will support us in the dark moments when, well being human, we forget that we actually want our goal.

So let’s make a plan. A good plan will have the following

  • Break the big goal into smaller tasks (small steps will eventually walk a mile)
  • Set deadlines for those tasks. This help you stay on track
  • Anticipate every way you could sabotage yourself (what will you do if you want to lose weight but you go out on a date and that pizza looks amazing!)
  • Celebrate! Celebrate! Celebrate! Small and big wins

It is important to celebrate small and big wins. It motivates us to keep going, it reminds us how far we have come.

Even if you think the win is really small, a step walked is a step closer to the destination. That is why you should celebrate, keep moving one foot in front of the other, this is how we walk. One step in front of the other.

So celebrate, what can you celebrate, what are the accomplishments you are most proud of 2022?

You might ask why, but remember that what we cultivate grows. If we focus on the hardships and how difficult our lives are, we are missing the opportunities and the wins.

By learning to focus our mind and attention on the wins, we trick our brain into what is possible, we start expanding our wings.

So what are you ready to celebrate?

If you don’t have a plan, let me help you!